
October 17, 2018

Youth Ministry to Gen Z Teens: Are we Hitting the Mark?

In our continuing series, we’re reviewing research from the Barna Group and Impact 360 Institute over the trends emerging in the Gen Z culture (those born from 1998—2015).  Last time, we examined how a sizable number of parents felt ill-equipped to disciple their teen children, and how the church must disciple the parents in order to reach their children.  Today, we’re going to review research examining youth ministry to today’s Gen Z’ers.  Is it effective and impactful?  What can we learn? The authors and editors at Impact 360 Institute (their book, Gen Z) surveyed a number of parents and youth […]
October 11, 2018

Discipling Parents to Disciple their Gen Z Teens

For a number of weeks, we have reviewed current research outlining the trends/patterns of belief and practice among the new Gen Z culture (born 1998-2015). To an age that struggles with identity, lives with anxiety over their financial future and the prospects of a stable employment, and often hides behind technology and social media as a “screenager,” parents often find themselves ill-equipped and under-resourced in discipling their Gen Z’ers to live responsibly in the world.  It is here that the church can have one of its greatest ministries: disciple and equip the parents of Gen Z youth so that they […]
October 4, 2018

Why are we losing more Gen Z males?

We have been exploring over the last number of blogs new research documenting the trends and moral preferences of the Gen Z youth culture (those born from 1998-2015).  We see that a sizable percentage of this new generation views the Christian Faith and absolute Truth (with a capital T) as out-of-date and unimportant.  While that thought alone is alarming, what really strikes close to home in my review of this generation’s trends is the larger percentage of Gen Z males (over females) that see little pertinence and relevance in Christianity, the church, and morality. Using the good resources from the […]